
共 73 條詞語

  • 玄之又玄

    xuán zhī yòu xuán

    玄之又玄原是道家用來形容道的玄虛奧妙。《老子》:“玄之又玄眾妙之門”。后來形容非常玄妙不易理解。英mystery of mysteries——extremely mysterious and abstruse;[查看詳情]

  • 賊喊捉賊

    zéi h?n zhuō zéi

    賊喊捉賊比喻為了逃脫罪責(zé)故意轉(zhuǎn)移目標(biāo)混淆視聽。英a thief crying“stop thief”;[查看詳情]

  • 天外有天

    tiān wài yǒu tiān

    天外有天比喻知識、本領(lǐng)是沒有止境的。英there are skies beyond our skies;[查看詳情]

  • 見所未見

    jiàn suǒ wèi jiàn

    見所未見見到了從來沒有見過的事物。比喻極為少見。英see what one has never seen before;[查看詳情]

  • 神乎其神

    shén hū qí shén

    神乎其神極端神奇。例他說得神乎其神我總有點(diǎn)兒不相信。英the most fantastic;[查看詳情]

  • 舉不勝舉

    jǔ bù shèng jǔ

    舉不勝舉舉也舉不盡形容極其多。例公開告密賣友求榮,賣身投靠的勾當(dāng)舉不勝舉。——魯迅《偽自由書》英be too numerous to list;[查看詳情]

  • 聞所未聞

    wén suǒ wèi wén

    聞所未聞所聽到的事從來未曾聽過。多指奇聞異事。英unheard-of; have never even heard of; unpredented;[查看詳情]

  • 數(shù)不勝數(shù)

    shǔ bù shèng shǔ


  • 微乎其微

    wēi hū qí wēi


  • 為所欲為

    wéi suǒ yù wéi

    為所欲為想做什么就做什么;任意行事。英do as one pleases; act wilfully; do whatever one likes; have one's own way;[查看詳情]

  • 痛定思痛

    tòng dìng sī tòng

    痛定思痛事后追憶痛苦的往事,痛苦更甚。英draw a lesson from a bitter experience; recall the past with pangs in the heart; take one's painful experience to heart;[查看詳情]

  • 防不勝防

    fáng bù shèng fáng

    防不勝防要防的事太多,提防不過來。例這種小人真是防不勝防。——清吳趼人《二十年目睹之怪現(xiàn)狀》英impossible to defend effectively; cannot reckon with all eventualities; be not easy to guard against; cannot stand up to;[查看詳情]

  • 忍無可忍

    rěn wú kě rěn

    忍無可忍到了不能忍耐的地步。例那句話已使人忍無可忍了。英last straw;[查看詳情]